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Writer's picturePolani Kahakalau

Marine Biology 3.3.2021

Refer to Kumu Nākoa PPT.

How do you use data to make decisions in everyday life? Do you trust that accuracy of the data?

What is an aspect of Kaʻehu you interested in studying? How would you study this aspect?



It is very important to take all the data needed, so we can keep track of all the species in the different areas that we are studying. It helps us to keep track if certain types of species to see if they are thriving or dying out, water quality, weather, invasive species, and or preditors, all have a big part in the survival of native species and plants. It also important to double check your work or have someone else check to make sure you got everything.

Having data plays a very important roll in daily life because it help with the decisions that we may need to make wether it be in your business or just in your personal…


Kauwela Kaia
Kauwela Kaia
Mar 03, 2021


Kauwela Kaia
Kauwela Kaia
Mar 03, 2021

how do you use data to make decisions in everyday life? do you trust the accuracy of the data?

Here at Ka'ehu sometimes we have rained out days and the way we make those decisions are based off of the weather and how heavy the rains are etc. With that information from observation we can make a sound decision if we can continue work or not.

what is an aspect of Ka'ehu you are interested in studying? How would you study this aspect?

From working here at Ka'ehu since October I've been inspired with the restoration work we have done and now with this 6 week program of classes I'm even more encouraged in working more towards conservation and restoration…


I use data such as weather reports to know how i should be prepared for the day. If it is raining I will dress accordingly. I am some time hesitant about the accuracy but overall it has been good to me.

Im interested in studying the recovery of the punawai due to restoration. I want to see the native species return and the environment to be similar to how it once was. I would document through photos and species data collection in a way that could tell the story. Many samples of photos and data sheet recording.


Laiku Dowling
Laiku Dowling
Mar 03, 2021

Why it is important to input data is to have like a status update on how healthy the water is. We took time to input our data and it was a little confusing at first but overtime I caught on. We do our data sheet over at kaehu to see if there are any species are populating or decreasing in our punawai. I think its important to do surveys because we can find out if we are losing or gaining more fish and come up with a solution or at least try and figure how we can address the situation.

A aspect of kaehu I would want to study is learning different native plants I think it would be cool…

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